Workplace Motivators

Workplace Motivators

The DISC shows you how you tend to do things.  The Workplace Motivators assessment tells you why.  You learn what combination of six motivators drives you to work hard at something and what you look for in a situation to make it better.  You and your teammate could have nearly identical DISC profiles and communicate in similar ways.  But if one of you is highly Theoretical and driven to get all the facts, while the other is very Altruistic and really needs to make sure others are taken care of, you might butt heads more often than necessary.

You can also get a Team Workplace Motivators Report to give your team a language in understanding where each other is coming from.  When you have an appreciation for your teammates’ values, and they yours, you can work on leveraging the benefits of each.  More importantly, because you’ve acknowledged and appreciated what’s dear to each person, they feel understood and accepted.  This is the foundation for trust, and trust fosters collaboration.  If your team is collaborating, working together is a pleasant experience.  You’re also a lot more likely to realize your goals.

To see the complete picture, you can get both the “how” and the “why” in one DISC and Workplace Motivators report.