
“Beth is an outstanding executive coach. She has helped me think through and manage complexities in my career in a way that was always productive. For the past five years, she has been invaluable to my organization, working with my teams, coaching several leaders and high-potentials, teaching leadership and management skills, and consulting with us on people issues and opportunities. I highly recommend her to anyone looking to improve their effectiveness as a leader.”

– Mike Kaelin, CFO, RTI International

“Beth Minton is in the top tier of executive coaches with a special gift for working with teams. Beth’s approach combines her savvy as a former marketing executive and her passion and deep expertise as an executive coach. Her wisdom, drive for excellence, intuitive instincts and candor helped my team excel through a tumultuous time of change in our company. Beth’s coaching has had a profound impact on me personally by helping me to realize that what I was doing professionally was not fulfilling me spiritually. This realization inspired me to make changes that have translated into higher performance and happiness. I couldn’t imagine the journey without her.”

– Bob Stapleton, SVP, Human Resources, Food Lion

“Beth was my Executive Coach at Nortel for nearly 2 years. This period was marked by immense professional and personal challenges, including the herculean transformation programs followed by the global financial crisis that precipitated Nortel’s Chapter 11 filing and asset divestitures. Beth has a heart for bringing out the best in people and that’s what she helped bring out in me during these challenging times. She built trust with me to uncover deep wells of inner resources. Through deeper self-discovery with Beth’s patient, gentle, encouraging, highly effective coaching, I was able to step out in courage into uncharted waters in my career and personal life. Coaching is a partnership and Beth was the excellent partner during that period of intense and huge challenges. I highly recommend Beth as a coach, especially one who can help people through the “stormy seas” of professional life.”

– Joyce Harkness, Business Process and Analysis Practice, NBN Co., Australia

“Beth’s leadership coaching has been invaluable to several of our emerging leaders, and I count myself among them. She has a way of telling the truth that isn’t always easy to swallow, but it’s always important to know. I know from my own experience working with Beth that she holds people’s feet to the fire when they commit to doing something or just when they know they need to make a change, but she does it with compassion and respect for the individual.”

– Steve Dwight, PhD, Vice President, Talent Management, Novo Nordisk Inc.

“Since Beth led our planning session, the group has pulled together, and the champions have taken their obligations very seriously. We’ve achieved nearly all our monthly goals to date. The result has been a stronger board, a more focused course that is guiding us to financial independence and a confidence among all the members of the board that we will reach our goals.”

– Art Flagg, President, Board of Directors, Tucson Boys Chorus

“For two years, Beth Minton led our executive management team through an annual strategic goal-setting exercise and then “held our feet to the fire” on a monthly basis so that we made continual progress towards these goals. Her expertise helped us develop actionable and measurable goals that fit well with the needs and opportunities in our business. This was more than just updating progress towards our goals; we used this as an opportunity to refocus our management group on short and long term priorities, not just the daily issues that consumed most of our attention. Beth expertly prompted thoughtful and constructive discussion, eliciting input from our entire team. These two years were the best our division had, and I give a lot of credit to the process and structure that we followed with Beth’s guidance.”

– Matthew Christensen, Senior Vice President, KB Home

“Beth has been by my side through a lot of changes, and I’ve always left our sessions with new insights and a fresh approach to my challenges. She says it like it is, and I appreciate that.”

– Stephanie Zimmerman, Manager, Social, Statistical and Environmental Sciences, RTI International

“Beth has an ability to transcend immediate judgment, which in turn creates a very safe environment to explore ‘what’s in my head.’ She also navigates seemingly uncoupled thoughts to a common center in a kind of “charting a course” exercise that helped me to self-explore and not get lost.”

– Vish Nandlall, Chief Architect, Carrier Networks, Nortel

“Slowing a sales management team down long enough to spend some quality time together is nearly impossible, but Beth really knew how to get us all engaged. We talked about our personalities and shared some about our backgrounds. That one day with Beth made a difference in how we make decisions together and help each other out when we need to.”

– Julie Turner, SVP, Sales, Marketing and Studio, KB Home, Tucson

“Our newly-formed team needed to get comfortable with each other, to learn how to collaborate, and to set a new direction together. Beth was very effective at helping us appreciate each other’s strengths and determine how we were going to make our first year together a huge success. She also helped us identify a problem and a strategy to deal with it.”

– David Doyle, Certified Financial Planner, Merrill Lynch

“I have relied on Beth’s expertise and support for years, both in my own development and in pulling my leadership team together. When I first inherited my team, they were working in silos and not communicating well with each other, or with me. Since then I have asked her to lead three leadership team retreats, and over time, I have watched these guys grow much closer and trust each other a lot more. They’ve really stepped up to be accountable. I doubt that we could have hit our goals without the help Beth has given us.”

– Max Owen, Managing Director, GKN Driveline, Americas Region

“Leadership teams, just as facilities, require routine upgrades and overhauls. Leadership teams develop skills and habits over time, which bring stability and value to organizations. When new leaders are introduced or structure changes, teams can benefit from external expertise that moves teams forward–focused on the goals. When we re-organized the way we manage our service delivery, every one of our senior leaders’ roles changed, forming two interdependent senior program leadership teams. Beth helped us through a challenging transition by working with each team separately, and then bringing the two together to work out how their responsibilities dovetailed and to plan how they would collaborate going forward. Due to laying this groundwork, subsequent adjustments and changes in teams have been executed quickly and effectively. Beth’s team-coaching expertise allowed the changes to proceed in a way that really reduced the toll on our key leaders and their staff.”

– Connie Cochran, CEO, Easter Seals UCP of NC & VA

“Beth absolutely wow-ed the whole group. Her warm and interactive style helped me gain some very valuable insight into my style of leadership and gave me the space to focus on and hone my strengths. I highly recommend Beth as a speaker, coach and leadership assessment expert.”

– Anne Robie Director, Talent & People Potential, RSM McGladrey

“The goal-setting presentation at our FA conference was great, with difficult material. Getting the audience engaged is critical, and Beth did an excellent job.”

– Scott Beckley, Financial Advisor, Merrill Lynch