Posts Tagged ‘self-control’

How to Gobble Mindfully

Posted by Beth Minton on Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, because it’s all about friends, family, food and gratitude. It’s also a great time to practice mindfulness – paying attention, living in the present and appreciating “the now.” I highly recommend this fun and enlightening exercise that everyone at the dinner table can do together to practice being mindful and enjoy the occasion even more.

Are You Procrastinating? Or Are You “Making Milk”?

Posted by Beth Minton on Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Procrastinators get a bad rap. They’re called lazy, out of control and self-defeatists. Coaches (like me) have all kinds of annoying tips and accountability support to give. I recently finished an 18-month project that some would say should have taken me a few weeks. But instead of flagellating myself over it, I’ve decided that sometimes what looks like procrastination is actually “making milk.”